Dear Customer,
We are sorry for your inconvenience.
Could you please provide more details regarding your issue? Please send us an email at
About Apple TV:
- Which generation of Apple TV are you trying to run the Phigolf app on? Providing the specific model would be appreciated.
- Does it use only WiFi or WiFi + Ethernet?
About Phigolf:
- Which Phigolf version do you have? (e.g., Phigolf Original, Phigolf 2, or Phigolf World Tour Edition)
- Please provide your login email and your nickname on the app.
- Please send us a bug report using the warning icon in the top right corner after attempting to use the World Tour courses.
Then, let us know by email at the date you sent the bug report.
- Additionally, please provide a video showing the issue (e.g., returning to the main screen).
We are sorry for your inconvenience once again.
Best regards,