포럼 전체게시글 109 최신순 추천순 조회순 업데이트순 phigolf's Speed Golf is fun! phigolf's Speed Golf is fun, but even playing just 3 holes can be challenging! If anyone knows a way to make it a bit easier, please share! Cecil 작성일 2023.10.17 추천 2 Reply 3 조회 2315 파이골프 토너먼트 우승비결좀 공유해주세요! 토너먼트 우승하기위해선 스윙연습 열심히 해야하는건 알지만 매번 도전해도 순위안에 드는게 어렵네요! 순위권에 들수있는 꿀팁 있으면 알려주세요~!!^^ songsong2 작성일 2023.10.13 추천 1 Reply 3 조회 2659 October tournament/ tee box question Hey there, can anyone tell me please how to play from the red tee box? It is saved in my personal settings, but whenever I start the october tournament, I have to play from the blue tee box. Any chance to play red? Is this a bug or is itmeant to be blue for everyone? Betty 작성일 2023.10.01 추천 0 Reply 1 조회 2489 How to use mulligans while playing with the phi simulator? In the currently running october tournament I saw there are 3 mulligans available. How to use them? Betty 작성일 2023.10.01 추천 0 Reply 1 조회 2694 Want to play park golf I want to play Park golf using phigolf? Young kim 작성일 2023.09.28 추천 0 Reply 0 조회 2268 처음«12345 목차 제목 내용 작성자 검색 글쓰기 Powered by KBoard